Sunday, November 29

#48 - a large building

In recent years, the nearest large city has been trying to decide what to do with a domed stadium within city limits that has remained unoccupied for some time.

After running many projections and estimates, the city is wary of selling or auctioning the site, fearing that the offers would end up being only a fraction of what it cost to construct the arena. Instead, they have set up a contest to find a new owner. Applications were submitted in advance of a random drawing, and whoever's application is chosen will inherit the site, with the stipulation that 10% of any profits (before taxes) made from the use of the land will go to the city. The winner will also be responsible for any annual property taxes.

Back when applications were being accepted, you submitted one almost as a lark. You did not include a full-fledged business model with your application, but somehow, it advanced to the final drawing stage and you were notified of this a couple of months ago. Since then, the entire ordeal had been filed away in the back of your mind. However, the day after the drawing, you are notified that you have won the stadium and land!

The arena is currently on a large lot (that served as a parking lot for fans). It is very accessible, both by highway and light rail. Also, if used as a stadium for a concert or sporting event, it can seat around 70,000.

What do you do with your new dome?


Evan said...

Two Words: Tube Town.

I would create a giant village of human-sized hamster-tubes. Condominiums for lease or rent, connected by an intricate network of translucent tubing. The village would be designed with a reasonable amount of self-sufficiency in mind for its residents (dome-top farming, perhaps?) though certainly dome-to-outside commerce would be unrestricted.

Such a fantastically produced construction would surely attract a very high rental value. I might lobby the city to eliminate some portion of the taxes by convincing them that it could be marketed as a tourist attraction. This latter part is obviously ridiculous.

Unknown said...

Maybe rent the loges out as luxury apartments, and allow scheduled use of the field as one of the tenant perks. Lights on for night games would have to cost extra though. Imagine having those show up on an end of month First Energy bill! Ha. I'm imagining the property tax is going to be very intimidating... I am going to have to give this more thought!

Unknown said...

Throw some garbage on field, saran wrap the walls, fill the stadium with water, buy goldfish and charge $5 to scuba... :)

Holly said...

I like Evan's answer, but might alter it a bit into a childhood fantasy: a giant marble-works maze. You could charge for an entrance of a personal marble in the race. Oh, the possibilities.

Matt said...

I like Paul's scuba idea, especially after getting certified recently.

I'd start with some condos, and then maybe make the whole aquarium thing work if the costs were not prohibitive. So I'd end up with a giant scuba bowl surrounded by chic condos. Sounds profitable.